How Sarah Got Her Wings follows the story of a woman who is seemingly the salt of the earth. She's involved in her church, she's a caring real estate agent and she even risks her life to look for a homeless man's dog. Unfortunately, this last good dead proves fateful and she's hit by a bus. Think Regina George in Mean Girls except Sarah really dies in this instance. She wakes up in "The Lobby" where she must find herself on the list to enter the pearly gates to heaven. Much to her dismay (and as you may have guessed by now) she is not on said list. She banters with one of the snarkiest -and most inappropriate- arch angels you'll ever meet and is eventually told she must return to earth for the 12 days leading up to Christmas to find out how to get on the list and into heaven.
She shows up in her ex-boyfriend Jordan's apartment and this is where things begin to not make much sense. But Jordan is shirtless for a solid 5 minutes so I am willing to overlook any plot holes and the mounting list of questions at this point. After cleaning and decorating his apartment, Jordan finally decides to accept her help in getting his life together, buying a bar and impressing the girl he's dating. What really bothered me about Jordan and Sarah is that at one point Jordan tells Sarah that he wishes she would have continued to lie to him about being in love so she wouldn't have broken up with him on Christmas Eve and ruined his holiday. *Major eye-roll* At this point I was like, this guy is a dummy, he deserves to be alone, is this movie over yet? Unfortunately, things continue to go downhill when Sarah ends up making Jordan fall back in love with her rather than helping him win his current girlfriend. They kiss on Christmas Eve and Sarah is zapped back to the lobby while Jordan's fate is left unaddressed.
As she returns to the lobby, Sarah finds that she is still not on the list. At this point we are halfway through the movie and I am quickly losing interest. Sarah begs the receptionist for one more chance at weaseling her way into heaven. This time it's a year later and she has the 12 days before Christmas to solve the problems of her ex-boyfriend's ex-girlfriend, Amanda. You see, when Sarah made Jordan fall back in love with her he stood up Amanda and she promptly broke up with him. Amanda has a son and can't be dealing with flaky guys.
In the end, Sarah continues to hit wall after wall on her quest to get her wings only to discover that she doesn't want to be dead after all. I will let you watch the whole painful thing to find out just how many plot holes they can insert to accommodate her inability to be a good person and make up her mind about her eternal destiny.
What I liked about this move is that it was a little different from the norm. The whole story didn't feel as cliche as others and while there were still gaping plot holes and lists of questions at the end of it all, it was a different take on the classic holiday rom-com. Were there about 20 times that I scratched my head like, whyyyy? Yes. Was it worth the 90 minutes of my day to watch? Debatable. Would I recommend you waste 90 minutes of your day to watch? Absolutely! That is what this time of year is all about! Throw this thing on when you have a mountain of laundry to fold, or gifts to wrap. Baking cookies all day? This movie will be great background noise!
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