Today we bring you another installment of Christmas-Movies-You-Just-Can't-Not-Watch. Today we are talking about Christmas in the Smokies . This one should really be called Christmas in the Hokies (guys, I am really funny). Source I was excited when I saw that this movie starred Sarah Lancaster because she's a little more mainstream than a lot of the actors that star in these low-budget cheese fests (you'll recognize her from Chuck ). I actually liked her performance in Christmas in the Smokes although I don't think the writing gave her the chance to shine. Our story begins on Christmas Eve, Shelby Haygood is a teenager, watching out the front door of her family's home for someone to show up. Smash cut to many years later and Shelby is still reeling from whatever disappointment occurred on that fateful night. She seems to be somewhere in her early 30's now and lives on the family berry farm with her elderly parents who are a pair of crack ups. I ...